Mrs. D's DeLights will be setting up a table again this coming Saturday, Jan. 17th at the Bywater Arts Market. (Royal St at Piety in Markey Park).
This is a great market, with so much local art, and very unique!
The menu I'm brewing for the weekend includes most of the same treats as I did last week, but I'm adding home-made granola this time, and trying out a Raw Apple Pie recipe too.
I'm also tinkering a bit with my recipes for the Tahini Ginger Oat Cookies, as well as the Chocoloate Chip Cookies, so I may come out to the market with new and improved Cookies :)
I've been making my treats wheat-free and vegan, and now soy-free as well.
The next steps are to experiment with using stevia or yacon syrup, or reducing the agave nectar, and adding natural fruits as sweetener.
The Bywater Arts Market goes from 9am-4pm on the third Saturday of each month.